5 takeaways from Red Doors L3 announcement

#1) Red Door is committed to seeking out messy people and pointing them to a God who is real and loving.

“In various places around the world, a red door signals a place of refuge for the lost or stranded. No matter how lost, how tired, how stranded you are… look for a red door and you will find hope.”

Jesus’ mission was to come to seek and to save those who are lost.

#2) We want to continue to be a church outside our church walls.

What would it look like if the church moved beyond our nice clean buildings and moved into the darkest corners of the city?

“Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:35-36 NLT

Jesus went to the places nobody wanted to go.
Jesus spent time with those everyone shunned.
Jesus loved those whose lives were messy!

We want to be a church that engages the city so that we might become God-tangible, God-approachable, God-discernible in our city.

It isn’t to be a better church than other churches, or different for different’s sake, but we are on a mission, called to see messy people find a real God who loves them so much he’ll change their lives forever!

#3) We know that our love for Jesus is demonstrated in how we love the least.

It’s impossible to love Jesus and not love others. The two are inseparable and requires us to live love loud.

1 John 3:16-18 “We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. 17 If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister[f] in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person? 18 Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.”

Our actions and our words need to match up. If we are serious about God’s mission then we have to live out what we believe.

#4) We take seriously the command that if we see someone in need we are called to help.

Many times we look for a call, and in the search of a calling we overlook needs all around us. We must understand that whatever the need is that is the calling.
Over the past months we have began to see a real need in our city and the burden to help homeless individuals and families in transition who are living in motels.

Sioux Falls Homelessness stats:

  • Majority of homeless individuals and families were staying in emergency shelters, transitional housing or hotel/motels.
  • The prime reason for homelessness is Lost Job/Unemployment and Substance abuse issues.
  • Majority of the homeless are 26-35 years of age;
  • Of the 1,153 counted, 131 were sleeping outdoors the night of the count (15 of them were children).
  • Homeless individuals, male and female, stated their need was full time employment to help them get into housing as well as assistance with first month’s rent and deposit.

Deuteronomy 15:10-11 NLT
“Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly, for the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do. 11 There will always be some in the land who are poor. That is why I am commanding you to share freely with the poor and with other Israelites in need.”

Starting May 2nd through August, Red Door will be Launching a weekly outreach to the Arena Motel every Saturday night from 5:30-7pm.

The Arena motel is home to many families and individuals who are homeless and in transition. Many of these families are struggling to provide for their families.

Our goal is to build bridges into families and individuals with the hope of Christ through weekly meals, fellowship, and ministry.

We will serve and share meals with those staying at the motel, provide activities for the kids and minister to those who need prayer and hope.

#5) We meet Jesus in the broken.

“For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’
37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’
40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,[f] you were doing it to me!’
Matthew 25:35-40

Jesus does not say,
For I was hungry and thirsty and you wrote a check to the food bank,
I was a stranger and you said, oh my taxes are paying for that homeless shelter,
I needed clothes and you gave a couple bags of clothes to Goodwill,
I was sick and you sent a check to the American Cancer Society,
I was in prison and you sent money to Prison Fellowship.’
No, that is not what Jesus said.
Jesus is found in the broken, and the hurting, the overlooked and the shunned. “I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”

If if you would like to help or donate to this new outreach Here are a few things you can help with:


  • Kid coloring books
  • Crayons
  • Bubbles
  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Kids games (balls, jump rope, etc)
  • Money for food

You can drop these off at our church at 807 N Lake ave Sioux Falls, SD

Email: zach@reddoorchurch.net